Archive for Insignia

Imperial Emblem

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on July 13, 2010 by Michael

The insignia of the Abstentionist Fraternity is shown here. It is simply called The Imperial Emblem. The identification of the fraternity, it is given for the possession of every member and to be worn as a badge of some sort. A unique identification number is attached to the Imperial Emblem and given to every member at the time of admission into the fraternity.

The Imperial Emblem also serves as the official seal of the fraternity and is stamped on every document of the fraternity or attached in some way to every of its property.

This is the significance of the Imperial Emblem. It is the figure of a lighthouse with the ocean beneath it. The lighthouse is symbol of illumination to humanity; the ocean a symbol of magnificence, universality, utility and the neutralization effect. The Abstentionist Fraternity exists to enlighten humanity and to provide direction in the uncharted field of human evolution. Its mission is to find solutions for human predicament and hopes to make a global influence.